Safe Rides is soon going to be up an running. This very popular school program is also a controversial one. Many parents, faculty, and students believe that Safe Rides shouldn't be around. Then on the other side there is also parents, faculty, and students that believe this is an essential program because it keeps kids out of danger. People believe Safe Rides is a bad thing because it gives kids who have been drinking alcohol a free ride home so they don't have to worry about driving drunk. This is a valid point because if there is a party where drinking is occurring then these kids just need a ride to the party, get drunk and then call Safe Rides to pick them up with no consequences. This is a high school kids dream. The make things fair, this program is very important to the safety of the students and other drivers in the area. If Safe Rides wasn't around then it might force kids to drive home drunk and put their lives and everyone else on the road at stake. Safe Rides is also a very strict on who they give rides to. Safe Rides doesn't start until 10:00 in the evening which means kids can't call safe rides just because they don't have a ride or need some place to go. I believe this student run program is a helpful resource for our high school and will save lives by getting drunk drivers off our roads. Last year there was no Safe Rides due to change in the law about driving age, curfew, and number of passengers allowed a car at once. This year it is back into the swing of things and will be making an impact of NT students like prior years.
If you would like to read the bill Senator Shoenberg passed to reinstate Safe Rides here is the link.
Schoenberg “Safe-Rides” Bill Passes Senate
If you are ever drunk and aren't able to drive or just need a ride home always call Safe Rides
Gordie, I am glad that you posted about this topic. I was actually planning on doing it myself, looks like you saved me the trouble. I think that safe rides is a great program that can really benefit a large population of the students of New Trier. It's rediculous to blame safe rides for underage drinking. Saying that students are more prone to drink because they know they will have a ride home. Taking away safe rides will not stop New Trier students from drinking. People need to realize that students are going to drink reguarless of whether or not safe rides is around. That being said, safe rides is a very important program. If a student chooses to drink, it's important that he or she should not have to worry about driving. Driving drunk is not only dangerous to the driver, but to other cars on the road. Hopefully, this program can reduce the dangers of drunk driving and keep students from getting behind the wheel after drinking.
I think that that Safe Rides is a great program. and I think that the argument that it promotes teen drinking is compleatly wrong. Teens who want to go out drinking are going to do it whether they have a "safe ride" home or not. A major danger is those people who drink and say, "I can drive I only had a couple," these are the people who get into acidents that can be harmful to themselfs and others. Safe Rides offers an alternative that keeps both the person and others safe.
Hey ellery!! I agree.
This is a great post. I believe that Safe Rides is a great way to keep high school kids off the roads if they are drunk. Like you said, if there is no Safe Rides, it will put kids who are drunk lives in danger as well as other peoples lives. Kids that are going to get drunk should obviously not be driving so Safe Rides is their best bet. Safe Rides is a program to keep drunk high school kids off the road and it should have never been stopped.
This is an excellent post and a great topic. I agree that Safe Rides is a great program and it is definitely one of the reasons that there are fewer late night teen accidents in our area. I agree with Ellery when she said that she doesn't think the program promotes teens to drink. Many teens who go out to drink are going to do it whether or not they have a safe ride home. That is also not to say that everyone who uses Safe Rides is using it because they drink but if they happen to have been drinking this is a great thing for people to have to get home without endangering themselves and others.
I completely agree with everything you said. Of course some kids are going to abuse safe ride, but that just comes with the territory. The important thing is that kids are getting home safe. That is part of the reason why New Trier is such a great school, we don't dance around the issues we approach them head on regardless of who might be offended. If safe ride was discontinued that would be like canceling Names Day, which is a crucial part of going to New Trier. Safe Ride must stay
Terrific post! I especially love your civic activism with the connection link.
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