Its our last full month as Juniors at good ole New Trier. It is starting to become crunch time now which means, Final Exams, End of the year projects and tests in pretty much every subject and of course the return of our Junior Theme. School work is one of the primary things to focus on this month along with: the ending of regular season for New Trier spring sports, Blackhawks playoff run, and the on-going quest of trying to find alternative sources of energy.
This month is a very heavy month school work wise. All the teachers are assigning the last minute work in the last three weeks of school. In the next three weeks I have to read three books, do two projects, take four or five quizzes, and study for finals. This will all be happening in the last few weeks of the regular season for Spring sports. For baseball, I don't get home until 8:00pm some days and that puts me in a tough spot to do all my homework and watch my favorite shows (depending on the day). It is very easy to get caught watching tv and lose all energy before the homework is completed. Then I have to rush in advisory, during free periods, or even at the end of Gourmet class. I'm just letting you know that these next three weeks will be very hectic.
Sports are a very prominent subject right now where ever you go. Major league baseball has started up, playoffs for Hockey and Basketball are in progress, and high school sports are coming to a close. About an hour ago, I watched to Blackhawks errupt the United Center with a shocking 2-1 victory in overtime against the Vancover Canucks. About three hours before that the New Trier baseball teams demolished the Evanston Wildkits 11-1 in five innings after being destroyed by them on Tuesday. A little revenge was on our minds today and we stuck it to the Wildkits with 8 runs in the fifth inning to complete the slaughter. I don't know how any other sports went today but it is New Trier so we probably offense to any non-Trevian viewers. With school work piling up and sports fever rising these next few weeks will be very tough.
Also, I thought it would be a good idea to bring issues from other classes into the American Studies horizon. In Geoscience we just watched a documentary on global warming and what is happening to our environment. What I came out with was that we, humans, are comsuming more energy and products than the earth can produce. This has resulted in the deliberate change in climate in the polar ice caps and many other places around to globe. I was actually kind of scared after watching the film because it made it very clear what will happen because of actions. One thing I really remember from the film was that if we keep living that way we do, the earth will end up like mars, a rocky, cold planet, with no life. It was also interesting how if the history of earth was put into a calender for one year, humans would be only around for fifteen minutes of earth so far. And since our stint on earth, we have put some incredible strain on our planet which is threatening millions of different species, including our own, every day. I thought this is a very interesting topic and I know it won't be solved in a month but any advances in finding alternative energy sources would be very encouraging for me.
That is my preview for the month of May and look for my June edition, which could be my last preview sadly.
Stay classy North Shore